Since 2004, the Georg Solti Accademia has given hundreds of singers a unique insight into Italian opera style, and over 50 young repetiteurs an immersion in their art. We want the next generation of talented singers and pianists to have this opportunity too, regardless of their nationality, background or ability to pay.
Philanthropic giving is an investment in the world around us. Here at the Accademia, your charitable giving is invested directly into the education of some of the most promising young opera singers and repetiteurs in the world. Your gift helps these young musicians to gain the training, experience, and network they need to build their careers, thereby ensuring that outstanding musicians continue to bring their talent and creativity to opera.
Each scholarship at the Accademia costs 10,000 Euros for a singer and 5,000 Euros for a repetiteur.
Want to find out more about what we do? Click here to read a full description of our activities, history, and plans for the future.
The life of the Accademia is possible only with the help of a wide range of passionate supporters.
To make a gift, please contact Candice Wood (Executive Director of the Accademia).
Both the Georg Solti Accademia and the Solti Peretti Repetiteurs Masterclasses are managed by the Swiss-based foundation, the Fondation Georg Solti Accademia:
Fondation Georg Solti Accademia
34 rue de l’Athénée
PO Box 393 – 1211
Geneva 12 Switzerland
Georg Solti Accademia
c/o Studio Commerciale Nicosia
Via dei Barberi 108
58100, Grosseto Italy
The Georg Solti Accademia is committed to creating the best, safest, and most inclusive educational environment possible for all course participants, faculty, and staff. At the core of this is a commitment to protecting Accademia course participants, faculty, and staff from bullying and harassment, and providing confidential and secure methods of reporting this behavior. If any Accademia course participant, faculty members, or staff member feels they have been the recipient of bullying or harassing behavior, they are encouraged to use the method outlined on this page to report this action.
It is the responsibility of every Accademia course participant and faculty/staff member to educate themselves upon what constitutes bullying and harassing behavior. The Accademia has a zero tolerance policy for this behavior.
If at any time an Accademia course participant or faculty/staff member feels they have been harassed or bullied by another Accademia course participant, faculty/staff member, or an individual employed by a third-party organisation with which the Accademia works, then the recipient of this behavior should report it either in-person or via email to one of the following safeguarding representatives at the Accademia
Jonathan Palmer Lakeland (GSA Associate Director)
Roberta Biondi (GSA Registrar)
The Accademia requires that its safeguarding representatives keep confidential the names of the reporting individual(s). Resulting action taken following a report of bullying or harassing behavior will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Should the report be filed against a safeguarding representative, that individual will be kept separate from this process.